Is it just me, or does Sony not know how to innovate?
They stole the sixaxis idea from nintendo and their Wii, and now PS3 has 'Accomplishments'? It seems to me they are just trying to steal ideas from everybody else just so they can compete.
Does Sony really ever try to do anything different with it's consoles? Ok they were the first ones to use CD/DVD/Blu-Ray but nothing really changes from their consoles except graphical capabilities. They have even had the same controller design from the original PS1, except for their failed attempts in trying to copy the XBOX's triggers.
Im not trying to say the PS3 is a bad system, im just saying Sony cant make any decisions on what they want to do with their consoles. Take the PSP in all it's misery. Sony designed this by themselves from the ground up without taking any ideas from another company. Well done Sony!!!! except its as if they dont want me to play this thing in my car or hear it without headphones or even use the freaking 'analog stick' thingy.
Firstly, they put a glossy screen on it! The thing smudges like my fingers have some kind of shaving cream/maple syrup mixture on them! I am supposed to play this thing in my car or on the bus or outside yet they put a finish on the screen that i cant play for 5 minutes without wiping it off or that makes it impossible to see the freaking screen unless you are curled up by yourself in your room with all the lights off and the windows covered with trash bags so that no light can possibly get through. you know, just like if you were playing a console :) .
Which brings me to my next point: sound. You couldnt hear the speakers on the PSP unless you were again, locked in your room by yourself with the door shut and soundproofing board covering every wall. You could use headphones, i guess... but who wants to play a personal portable game system and not have it annoy everybody else like i do with my DS?
OK my final problem with the PSP is its button layout. It just isnt comfortable... The buttons are spongy and the [square] button is too close to the screen (further pissing me off about the screen and all it's smudginess). The shape of the PSP makes cramping a huge problem, also. The analog stick nub thingy is basically on the very edge of the PSP and further adds to the hand trauma, which would be fine with me if games didnt force me to use it.
So Sony designed something by themselves and totally screwed it up..... well, maybe they should stick to copying other people's ideas in the future?