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Edited By joe11king

To Dawq902 and billyjunxix- Last I heard, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (and many other games) aren't native 1080p. It's my understanding that MW2 is native 680p, so while you think your game may look better on your 1080p set, it's the exact same image. In these screenshots, they won't look as good because they are of course downsized and compressed. I think they need to adjust the brightness on the PS3 though, as it looks almost exactly the same as the 360 version, but a bit lighter (which can be fixed in the in-game options menu).

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Edited By joe11king

wow. they didnt really do anything to improve the games, which is the worst thing about the PSP. all i used mine for was music, so i traded it for an Ipod and an NDS Lite a long time ago. couldnt be more happy. Demetium Rocks!

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Edited By joe11king

i am not here to bash sony or infinately praise nintendo. i mostly play PC games. I used to own the PSP but i have to say i was not impressed at all. who the hell puts a glossy screen on a portable? i had so much glare it was almost unplayable unless i was in a room with no lights or windows. constant fingerprint smudges were horrible. i traded my PSP in for a DS lite with 6 games and accessories later on and i am so much more impressed with the ds. no screen smudges or fingerprints on the screen from regular use (damn you square button!!!) and alot louder sound. not much glare. the analog "stick" on the psp was horrible. unresponsive, gave you hand cramps, and there was only 1. hello? plus, the game library, while being hard to play do to the gimped system look better on the psp. but whats the point of good graphics if you cant stop running into walls? i am perfectly fine with the graphics on my ds. the multimedia features of the psp are useless. music? i have an mp3 player. movies? DVD player. internet? the browser sucks and has no flash or java support at all, so whats the point? games? i have better games on my ds, and most psp games are just crappier versions of ps2 games. im not saying the ds is perfect, but in my experience it is the far better handheld. like i said i dont care who makes the system. i care how fun and entertaining it is. i dont like the ps2, the xbox, the ps3, or the wii. im okay with the 360 except that the hard drive size is almost useless, i dont like xbox live, and most of its good games are coming to the pc in the near future anyways. thanks for reading, hopefully you did so with an open mind. if you didnt, let the hate mail flow.