Well you are not alone here sir! From Software (as many others have stated) aren't giving anything away what-so-ever, which being a console owner and a very serious fan of Dark Souls myself, is becoming increasingly frustrating. However, even though we don't have any official word yet. I would be extrememly surprised if console owners did not get the extra content the PC users are getting.
For starters, FROM anounced originally that they would never port to PC, yet after huge petitions and demand they are doing so. This is great news, just as much for us non-PC gamers as this implies that FROM are amongst the few developers out there that seem to pay attention to their fans and provide what they want. It would be madness for them to announce they will not offer the same content, in doing so they would lose a huge amount of followers not to mention a massive drop in respect for them as a company in the gaming community.
Second. For them to create extra content and then deny it to the core market would be developer-suicide, all that extra work would be prime profit gain for them. Sure it might annoy some of us out there but let's face it, all of us that have Dark Souls would more than likely be happy to pay top dollar for the additional content.
Third. My final thought (though this is mere speculation) revolves around content in the art book. I got my copy on the day of release and to see some of these awesome looking creatures slip the net on the console version only to appear on the PC seems very bizarre. Personally, it strikes me that these extra creatures and locations were cut back as the game was nearing it's deadline for release, more than likely they are already polished up and ready to go on the Xbox and PS3, FROM is most likely waiting to see just how much buzz it can generate before saying anything to the crowds.
As for length and what's included, well that's anyone's guess at this stage. We all know that once the PC version is released, we will hear loads about "what we're missing" and "how they have the better version", this inturn will create lots of gossip and competetive attitudes, great news for a development company as it's free advertising for them. I'm thinking we'll get some good length extra sections, it's Souls so even a short map section can take a while to get through and returning to it is always a pleasure. Creature content is the real interest for me, the Art Book contains some great enemies so here's hoping! We've all seen screens of that Lion Chimera and Dragon!
A lot of buzz right now about something being released in August but I'm not holding my breath on that, it's getting very close to that already and still not a peep of any news? To put it bluntly now that I've most likely wasted your time, I have no doubt we will be seeing the extra content across the Console market, sadly though, when and for how much is another guessing game entirely.
If you hear anything then please, let me know. In the meantime, I'll keep my eyes open in Anor Londo for you haha!
Laters dude.
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