This new console war talk is really starting to bug me out. I feel that the new consoles are totally blown out of proportion in terms of the new home entertainment. I think the xbox 360 isn't as great as it was supposed to be. There are too many things to list.
1.)It scratches discs.
2.)you have to pay for xbox live.
3.) xbox live is laggy, and xbox 360 games can't have as many people playing online as the pc.
4.)the dvd format is way too small in terms of storage.
5.) it would suck to have to get up and change the disc a bunch of times in the case of developers using multiple discs.
6.)The console is ver powerful, but will it last forever in terms of an edge over pc. I give it a year and a half over the pc.
7.) and all the consoles are boasting features and innovations that have started in 1998-2000.
though there are many promising games for xbox 360 the playstation 3 seems to have more first party exclusives than xbox 360. Though the issues I have is how expensive are the games going to be , and will the games actually look like they did on the tech demos at E3. I dont think they will look like that in the beginning, but I say at the end of playstation 3's life cycle when developers can fully manipulate the cell processor.
and what the hell is up with the freakin revolution. It looks like some freakin make up compact, and the controller looks like a sex toy. If nintendo focused on innovation, dont make ita frustrating innovation for developers, and don't make a console for people who suck at video games and need a stupid remote controller to not get confused. I don't think it will be a lot of success in the USA, because personally I percieave it as a childs toy. Nintendo is as washed up as the Three stooges.
all in all i will wait for the PS3 to see how it is, and i will stick to installing games on my pc and playing counterstrike source.
joecavazos88 Blog
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