@mcnichoj: that’s one of the most nonsensical things I’ve ever read on here. Logic tells me that there’s no possible way you can be serious. Then reality sets in and I remember that this is the internet, where “Sony getting revenge on people for not buying the $600 PS3” is something that people are actually capable of believing.
@cboye18: It looks really gritty so far; very similar to the original. The dialogue doesn’t have to be an exact replica, but they did stay true to Marcus’ character all the way through. I don’t see that changing.
This story should be a more intense and personal one. You can’t expect it to be exactly the same. It’s the origins story. It’s what we always heard references about, but never got to see. Dom and Marcus were young and hadn’t grown into the hardened badass COG vets that we knew from the OG trilogy, yet. You have to manage your expectations. Of course it can end up bad and they could butcher it completely, but I think they’ll do Dom and Marcus justice at the very least.
@ezio899: yeah. Microsoft is really pushing strong females. That’s not necessarily bad, as long as they have a good story and good characters and aren’t simply trying to check boxes and push agendas. That’s probably wishful thinking though. They also brought some action packed male icons as well, so I think they’re just trying to balance things out, more in favor of the female leads overall. Open ended RPGs should always have a character creator though.
I love the art style for this one. Microsoft is really pushing the strong female stories, so I just hope that they didn’t push the agendas and cringe that usually come with that. As long as they tell a worthwhile story and develop good characters, I’ll be sold.
This game absolutely should have had a character creator. I’m not particularly interested in the characters shown thus far either. Graphics look beautiful though. We’ll see how it turns out.
This was the best thing they could have done. The series took a serious downturn. The characters were getting weak. The story was okay at times, but the entirety of the Gears 5 campaign gameplay was built around a horde mode style and it was terrible. It made zero sense, because that’s not how things work in a story. All combat scenarios started and ended the same way.
Bringing back Dom and Marcus together, is exactly what was needed. Now hopefully they changed the gameplay formula. I don’t want horde mode built into my campaign.
@simonthekid7: nothing implied that it would be a modern remake. It says some kind of remaster. If it was a modern remake, they wouldn’t just be talking about a PS5 version, it would be much bigger than that.
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