@idakooz: There are about a hundred movies and/or shows that come out every month. The rock is only in a few per year. Maybe try watching something different.
It’s very clearly Halo. It’s not even a competition. Battlefield is trash, COD is average and Halo is above average. Battlefield and COD will likely generate more money (but maybe not, we’ll see). However, money never accurately indicates which is better or worse. Halo is the only of the 3 that even had gameplay formula changes. It’s the only one that has evolved in the slightest. You could even say that Battlefield devolved and that would be a fact in some regards.
All in all, the FPS competition is as stale as stale gets and it’s in dire need of a new IP or bring back Killzone and Resistance in a big way. Shake it up, make things interesting again. Quit being afraid to compete.
This is the best possible news for Mass Effect. Maybe they’ll actually get it right this time. Frostbite has become extremely underwhelming and is buggy as all hell. After all the games they’ve made on it, it’s still a complete mess.
@blankfaced: You’d be surprised how many people leave Hollywood or limit themselves to small roles and minimal Hollywood involvement and are happier for it.
@ghostspartan: You have a problem with him taking a break or even stepping down? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with changing jobs or trying different things. These actors don’t owe you anything. They’re free to do as they wish and follow their heart’s desire. Just because they’re a fan of something doesn’t mean they want to be relentlessly tied to it forever.
@arishok124: Honestly, I’m one of the few really enjoying the GTA trilogy remasters and I played the originals.
I actually have the original SC installed on my PC right now. I’ll give it a go before the remake releases and then we’ll see which version is better. Remakes don’t have a great track record, but some of them have been fantastic.
@gr4h4m833zy: They are making a new Splinter Cell, but it’s an open world reboot and it sounds terrible. Therefore, I’m glad I can at least look forward to this remake of the original, since I never got around to playing much of it.
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