So trying to write back soon somehow turned into a month. But I am here and back writing another blog. I wanted to put a quote in the subject but it wouldn't fit so here it is:
They're f***in' me man! Hey, they can suck my pathetic little dick. And I'll dip my nuts in marinara just so the fat f***s can get a taste of home while they're at it. That's it, it's done, I'm doing it.
So this quote kinda describes how I'm feeling right now. Well where it comes from describes how I'm feeling. If you don't know what movie its from I'll tell you later.
This past monthish has been a busy one. I just moved at the beginning of September. A good friend of mine from elementary school and I got a place together. It's a nice little townhouse. A lot more space than where I used to live. Since we now have a small backyard I was able to pick myself up a new BBQ which is awesome. I love to cook food on the BBQ. So I was busy getting ready for the move. Then after the move we celebrated for the next two weekends by drinking way to much. And that brings us to about now. I am out of money so I won't be going out at all this weekend and I have skipped the gym for way to long now so I have to get back there. But its nice to have more room. I was finally able to put up all my cool movie and painting posters. My salvador dali poster was getting to much dust.
Now back to the quote. It's from a movie called The Boondock saints. It's an extremely good movie and if you have not seen it go right now and watch it. The character who says this (Rocco) has been working for the mafia in Boston all his life and just found out earlier that day that they sent him on a suicide mission to kill some of the other mafia bosses. So he works himself into a frenzy and says this quote. It is one of the funniest parts of the movie so you will just have to watch it. Basically its saying he is sick of his work situation and he is going to quit and do something else. That's how I feel right now about my job. So not going into lots of details I am gonna look for something else better to do. I have a few ideas but making it happen is the hard part right? I want to own and manage a few things. Like a bar, or a tattoo shop or something like that. Live is going to suck if I am doing something I don't enjoy right?
Well those are my thoughts of the day. I am going to get internet at home soon so hopefully it won't be another month till I post again haha... well to those few who may read this "I'll catch you on the flip side"
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