Honestly? I find the ending...satisfying. While it bugs me that you have to do multiplayer to get the best single player ending, they really should not have done that, I find the ending....has closure. It ensures that the trilogy is over and that there will be no ME4. So endings HAVE the main character die and this is one of them. I would have loved to have my Shepard live and be with Tali happily ever after yadda yadda yadda, but I see this the series storyline as one of those sci-fi stories that has a not-so happy ending, and I'm fine with that. The series is over, which is good, unlike Halo...blah. Now that the series is over, they can move onto other things and possibly better stories. Think of it that way.
I think that most the games I've seen, the 360 has better back-ground graphics, and I'm a PS3 fan. But I think the only game that I have seen so far the the PS3 takes the cake is GTA 4.
Well Sony's been nice to Europe and what not, but ya know, if they're gonna cut the price over there, do it here too. $600 is WAY too much, bring the price down about $150 or so, I mean heck, look at the 360, it's $300 and $400 and it's STILL selling better than the PS3. If Sony would bring dow the price and get good games out like Devil May Cry 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, Grand Theift Auto 4 and other game series that have been good in the past, then they'd match or out-do the 360 and the Wii combined. but I think what will make-or-break the 360 is Halo 3. If the story ends up anything like Halo 2, 360 is gonna go under, at least in my opinion.
joemerchant2006's comments