But this is EA/DICE failure all over again - if anyone can remember Medal of Honor (Almost none played it), so now you give MOH a new skin, better graphics, better sound. Voila Star Wars Battlefront.
And console friendly (No need to reload) control.
This game is not even Battlefront, so many thing from that serie is missing (Which I loved).
The game suffers from a lot of faults that even in Battlefield has not been fixed.
You stick to things on the ground (A small rock or metalbeam that is flat with the ground), that you would just walk over.)
Walk around the corner, but is still shot, when you die, the frame where you die (not where you are on your screen) pulls you back to that point.
This game is going to suffer the same fault that people keep asking EA/DICE to fix, that has not happen since 2009, so if you get frustrated over this, play something else.
I go watch the Star Wars Movie instead - as this game is not a triple A game.
Sadly Counter-Strike (That I do not play) is the only competative FPS out there. (Do not say COD, please, it is not!!!)
joggler4's comments