My first blog ever
by johannanagels on Comments
WOW. My first blog ever. I joined Gamespot a while ago, and I never expected I would really start to use the account. Now I hang around on the Nintendo DS forum like a bona-fide computer geek! Now that I use the account so much, I wish I'd thought of a good account name....mine is lame. Oh well, it would've taken me ages to think of one anyway. Now that I'm really an active member I feel pretty inferior because I only have a Game Boy Color and a DS.....Seems everyone has about 4 systems except me! But I do want to get the Revolution...'cept I don't have a lot of gamers to play with.....That's the reason I don't have lotsa gaming stuff. I want to make friends on Gamespot but I don't know how. If you want to be my friend go ahead and message me! By the way, what do you think of my avatar? I just took it off an avatar site. I wonder if most people do that, or if they make them? Anyway, enough of my rambling. Bye.