I recently downloaded Armitage III, and I'm not talking about the average movie that came out a few years ago. I'm talking about the OVA that came out 12 years ago. I haven't seen it in about eight years, and I wanted to see it again. It's a great OVA, that tackles many of the same topics of humans and machines that Ghost in the Shell does, but does a far, far better job of it. It came out about the same time as the first Ghost in the Shell movie, and was overlooked by the over rated movie. It's very unappreciated and I would recommend highly over Ghost in the Shell. My rating is 10/10.
I might as well talk about the movie sequel that came out in 2002. It's called Armitage III: Duel-Matrix. I have two scores for this movie. The Dubbed version I'd give a 3/10, and the subtitled version I'd give a 6/10. The animation was ok, the story was good, but what really made the difference in the two were the voice actors they chose the dubbed version. Juliette Lewis as Armitage and so were all the other American voice actors. I mean this has to be one of the worst dubbed anime anything I've seen. If you rent this movie or buy it, only watch the subtitled version, it's a lot better.