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Gaming: Will we see a new PS3 model (120-160GB)

This rumor comes from ars technica. If you didn't already know, it looks like Sony will be dropping to Motorstorm 80GB pack, when it's out, it's out.

Now it looks like they are tying to keep only 2 models of PS3's yo can buy. It looks like there dropping the Motorstorm 80GB pack and might be introducing a new 120-160GB pack w/ Dualshock 3. It's also said to have the 20GB Spiderman 3 Bundle to disappear after that.

Could this be to the reason that Sony will be bringing out more DLC (Downloadable Content) to the table. They did make that deal with DIVX and can use Sony Pictures, Sony Music, etc. There are some great title they can offer.

But the new models are not know too much, like how many USB ports, if there will be backwards compatibility, or any memory card readers. Maybe we will have an option for color (Sony recently FFCed a White PS3). For now, it's just a rumor.

UPDATE [01/29/08]: A Sony Rep said that they have no plans to have a new SKU PS3 model released in the UK. What about the US/ NA? Only time will tell...

UPDATE [02/02/08]: Looks like something about an upcoming model will be shown at GDC at the end of the month. Gamestop and Best-buy have said that they are not receiving anymore and a new version will come.