Bioshock uses the UT3 engine, right?
If so, I am willing to bet that a week after UT3 is released we will see mods since UT3 will most likely (knock on wood) come with an SDK for map and mod creation. How easy would it be to transfer the net code of UT3 to Bioshock, or transfer the models and whatnot of Bioshcok to UT3?
That's just wishful thinking, I'm afraid. Bioshock using Unreal Engine 3 does not automatically mean that the latter's SDK can or will be used for modding the prior. Even though it doesn't automatically mean that Irrational did the same thing with Bioshock, I urge you to take a look at the problems Clancore Games had with the now-defunct Starsiege 2845 project:
The project was cancelled because of a collection of events that totally derailed our ability to produce anything of significance. First, Vivendi forced us to drop our initial development on UT2004 to and take up development on Tribes: Vengeance. Even though we were very close to an ATR on the UT2004 engine, this made sense; they wanted to sell more copies of T:V. But Irrational Games totally hosed the Unreal engine to the point it was unmoddable. In addition, Vivendi's agreement with IG gave IG the exclusive rights to the T:V source code, so we couldn't fix what they broke.
Clancore Games
Therefore, I wouldn't get my hopes up, especially since Irrational didn't advertise MODding at all. Plus that I can't remember one Irrational game that was really MOD-friendly. The only so-called MOD that I can remember done of an Irrational game is a texture and model upgrade to System Shock 2. Which is really nothing in MODding terms. A sad thing indeed.
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