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Why All The Hate For The RE5 Demo?

I couldn't believe all the things that are being said about the RE5 demo. IGN has a list of "problems" to fix before the game releases, most of them being some showing around the forums and so on. I must have taken something before playing, because I absolutely loved the demo. There are problems to be sure, but every game has problems but that doesn't keep it from being great.

First, why all this hatred for the controls? Everyone keeps comparing this game to Dead Space and other over the shoulder shooters, why? Resident Evil isn't Dead Space, it isn't Gears of War, it isn't GTA's RE5, and restricting what your character can do is part of the suspense. You're not supposed to just stand around shooting everything, you need to be running around to stay alive. This idea is shown off well in the first stage, if you just stand around trying to shoot all of the villagers then you're more than likely not going to make it through.

Which leads to another gripe I keep hearing that I don't understand. Lack of ammo. For those who have ever played Resident Evil, you know that limiting ammo is part of the experience. It's supposed to keep the player from just "running and gunning", and invoking a sense of suspense. Resident Evil isn't an action game, it's a survival horror so treat it as such.

Another odd complaint I've been hearing, and one that IGN listed was the variety of races that the game has. This is another silly argument. Does all the character in the game need to be black? I'm pretty sure that there are a variety of different races living in Africa, and depending on what part of Africa can be quite diverse. So, don't really understand the complaint there.

Overall, I'm digging the game so far. The co-op was odd at first, but for the computer AI I'm pretty impressed. So far, she hasn't made any dumb, head scratching glitchy mistakes yet. And I love online co-op, can't wait to play through RE5 with my friends. RE5 is also the most beautiful game I've played on a console so far. I believe it rivals MGS4 in the graphics department, so much so that the cut-scenes are very similar to in-game.

If you love RE, and want to see the series continued then I highly recommend you play the demo. If this is but just a small portion of what's to come from RE5, then color me excited. If you're really not into RE, then you might want to stick to a faster paced TPS, but I wouldn't have my RE any other way.