Nintendo has got a pretty crack public relations team working for them. I imagine them all wearing mushroom laden ties, trying to think of interesting hidden messages to put in Nintendo Power for an upcoming game announcement. On top of the crafty messages, Nintendo has a unique sense of how to handle gaming media outlets. Just pull the old jedi mind trick on them.
There never was a Wii MotionPlus release date, and these aren't the droids you're looking for.
CVG received an official statement from Nintendo regarding the rumors of a delay for Wii MotionPlus...
"No date was ever announced for MotionPlus - so technically it can't be delayed."
It looks like Nintendo got one over on us, but to be fair the statement is accurate. If you can remember all the way back to E3 last year, you'll see I wrote in a live update feed of E3 stating, "Wii Sports Resort releases next spring". I think it was internet rumors, and hype that made us assume that spring meant March, or April which is common sense. However, Spring doesn't end until June so Nintendo still has time to release as scheduled.
It would be nice to hear a definitive date though.