I'm, nowadays, not to active in gaming. Then I hear that you buy a game for a big price( US$ 50, that where I live, turn into R$ 100 to R$ 250 - Brazilian Reais), then can only install five times, need to be activated on-line. To exemplify hows ridiculous its sound, imagine if you need again to format you HD. Then you format, and when you install the system again and try to install the game that YOU PAID, you find out that you reach the installation limit. Stupid. You pay a fortune and then can't play anymore simply because reached the limit! They think that are trying to protect they work, but in fact are inflicting the RIGHT THAT WE, gamers HAVE. Imagine if all companies try that. Music companies, and others. Think, if you buy a music cd, or a movie and then was only able to see it a limited times. WHERE are the freedom. We (the gamers) are dominated by companies that think that can do anything! The solution is release the games at a more fair prices, with more content, and then make some money with special contents. Wanna buy these contents? Okay; If not, then keep play the retail game. Cheaper contents, that is what we need, not more protection (as for gamers this is mostly useless). PC games turned disrespectful towards the gamers, only for get more and more protection, investing millions that could be more properly invested in making these games REALLY good. They not only trying to limit the piracy, but also limit users, keep up with what they do. XXI century, and the censorship is there at all places.
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