"cyber space starangers who are often adults posing as kids".......... lmao ooooooo foxand"he started saying he was seeing my friend in the shower".......LMAO
Happens to me often I mostly eat ramen noodles due to them being cheap and easy to cook though. :Ptravisstaggsyou know ramen noodles are a delicacy back on earth
Grunt is no Wrex, but he is Krogan...so I like him.R3FURBISHEDwrex, after 2 years still manages to be absolutely badass
1. Mass Effect 1/2 2. Jet Force Gemini 3. God of War 1/2 4. Mario 64 5. Pokemon Stadium 6. Assassin Creed 2 7. COD4 8. GTA4 9. Uncharted 2 10. Fable 2
Good for now. Fractured my thumb on the mute, but i think i made my point. LMFAO!!! joker is the man!
from the moment you start playing the game grabs you and will not let you go. It feels you have to talk to every person just so you know every last thing. I have never felt this way playing a video game. Mass effect FTW!!
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