This year for christmas, I got Call of Duty World at War(360), Silent Hill: Homecoming(360), and Manhunt 2(wii).
COD 5: So far I'm loving it. Its fun and fast paced and action packed. Its like watching a kick ass war movie. I can't wait to go online and play with friends. The graphics are nice just like COD should be. The new addition of Flame Throwers, bayonetes, and other weapons keep it fresh. I highly suggest it to anybody.
Silent Hill Homecmoing: This is what Silent Hill is supposed to be. Silent Hill 4 the Room just didn't do it for me when I played it a few years back. It had its moments, but it just didn't feel much like Silent Hill. I haven't played Silent Hill: Origins yet, but plan to soon. Anyways, SH: Homecoming is great. It has a new battle system that is easy to learn. The up dated graphics are amazing. The story is dark and grim just like SH should be. Its the SH game I been waiting for. I only play it at night and in the dark with the surround sound on. How else are you supposed to play it lol
Manhunt 2: All I can say is wow. Its just as good as Manhunt was. The Controls are excellent on wii. People complain on how the execution scenes being black and white make the game suffer. I beg to differ. Since your guy is coming out the psyche ward, him seeing black and white while performing an execution makes it more errie. Kinda like how serial killers claim to "black out" while performing their murderous acts. If you have a wii you should definitly pick up Manhunt 2.
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