Hello GS, well just got the heads up on why mars188 was banned. Now I don't know all the details about what was said between the two that got him banned and mars188. I just think that it sucks that you can't voice your what you think. Now if some members have this much power to get someone banned because they don't like what his saying or who he is talking about, well I guess I misjudged this website. I thought this was a gaming community and not some playground. Now I don't know many of you and many don't really know me. But I liked watching mars188 and what he thinks on some games and game systems. And now I can't, if you are going to start banning people for no reason what so ever then I think it might be time to move to a better site that won't have your members make your decisions for you. Now I know there are some people that need to be warned and well but if its to much for you than stop watching or reading their blogs. Now I am a nobody on this site and I could care less that anyone reads what I write, I am just speaking my mind on the matter. It just plain sucks. Laters
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