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August 2009 in review

An abnormally cool summer continues (good) and my Chicago White Sox have officially waved the white flag and conceded defeat in the American League Central Division (bad). Football season is coming and that means even cooler weather, Halloween, and even more excuses to play video games.

I put a giant dent in my game completion goal this month. I was able to take down five games, putting me at 21 out of 24 for the year. The fab five include:

17. Earthbound (SNES)
18. Deja Vu (NES)
19. Uninvited (NES)
20. Tecmo Bowl (NES)
21. Castlevania (NES)

Earthbound is an absolutely legendary game. It's great fun and legitimately hilarious. It was a bit longer than I remembered, but totally worth the 20-25 hours I sunk into it. My personal favorite enemy is the New-Age Retro Hippie, especially when he uses a toothbrush.

Deja Vu and Uninvited are two of the three Kemco/Icom games (along with Shadowgate). Deja Vu was pretty good, with a kind of film noir-esque story and 1940s setting. Uninvited was just dumb. It was the third of the three and it seemed pretty obvious that the programmers were bored at that point.

Tecmo Bowl is one of my all-time favorite games. I played as Chicago (naturally) and rode the legendary PAYTON to the Tecmo Bowl title. I won by an average score of 44-9. I used RUN 1 and RUN 2 and only threw two passes the entire season (one completion, one pick). I loved this one as a kid and it's one of the few games that hasn't lost it's shine all these years later.

Castlevania rates right up there with Metroid for personal satisfaction upon completing it. It's one of those rock-hard games and I'm proud to say I finished it. Once again, huge thanks to usagi704 for helping me through a couple mega-tough parts.

August was the slowest month for acquisitions I've had in a long time. I only purchased three games all month (and I'm pretty sure I can hear my wife heaving a giant sigh of relief). We unexpectedly had to put brakes on my wife's car and that wound up shooting through the rest of our summer fund a bit earlier than I would have liked. So, here's the short list:

August acquisitions-
-The Simpsons: Road Rage (GBA)
-Metal Gear Solid (GBC)
-WCW/nWo Thunder (PS)

I plan on picking up a couple biggies this month. I'm hearing great things about Batman: Arkham Asylum and I'll definitely grab Rock Band: The Beatles fairly soon. I've got a few golden oldies that I'm going to start working on tracking down as well.

That's about it for this month. Catch me on Twitter @jollyroger3251 if you like. I generally use it to spit out random thoughts about whatever game I happen to be playing at that time. See you all next time.