Rocktober is here! There are so many great reasons to love this time of year: The weather is starting to cool down, football season (both college and pro) is in full swing, it will soon be World Series time (unfortunately, my White Sox will be playing golf), and one of the most awesome holidays of all, Halloween, is coming (Pac-Man or Charlie Brown...I haven't decided which one I'm going to dress up as yet). As a matter of fact, you'll notice that I like this month so much that I (with the help of my best friend) gave it a totally unoriginal, yet also totally fitting new name: Rocktober!
The other great thing about this time of year is that, since it's cooling off outside, it's much easier to excuse staying inside to play video games. Which is good because, after the massive amount of games I polished off in July and August, I didn't finish a single game in September
*cue fail jingle from Super Mario Bros. 2 slot machine*
That's right...not a single one. Luckily, I've only got three more to finish to hit my goal this year. I do have Medal of Honor: Underground and WCW Nitro (both PS) nearly finished, so I'll probably be able to add those to my list fairly soon (if I can get past that stupid final mission in MoH:U, that is...).
As far as acquisitions go, it wasn't a huge month. I wound up picking up six new games:
-The Beatles: Rock Band (X360)
-Tiger Woods PGA Tour '07 (X360)
-Guitar Hero 5 (X360)
-The Bard's Tale (NES)
-Centurion: Defender of Rome (Gen)
-Shadowgate Clas sic (GBC)
I had planned on picking up Batman: Arkham Asylum at some point in September, but my 360 decided to crap out. It has just arrived in Texas for it's operation...I'm hoping to get it back soon.
As for this month, I have a rather dedicated goal in mind. When I was adding my newest games to my database, I noticed that I have 194 NES games. I'm going to try to pick up six more to give myself an even 200. Now, here's where you come in.
I've already posted this in a couple different locations, and now I'm going to ask you: what should I try to track down for my six NES games? Here's what I've got...what am I missing?
Random thought of the month: I posted this on Twitter (@jollyroger3251) a few weeks ago after spending a couple hours shooting holes in various pixelated bad guys. I got to thinking about how many digital dudes I'd shot, stomped, kicked, punched, eaten, and otherwise rendered devoid of life and I started wondering what the body count actually was. Has anyone else ever actually thought about how many enemies they'd killed throughout their gaming career? When I sit there and actually look back on all the years I've played all these video games, from lighting up robots in Berzerk to filling VZ soldiers full of lead in Mercenaries 2, I figure my kill count has to be in the millions. Kind of mind boggling, eh?
Well, this one was a bit of a rambler. The excitement that comes with this time of year does that to me. Have a happy Rocktober and I'll catch you all next month.