Sometimes it's a good idea to say "yes". A couple weeks ago I helped a friend (and my former boss) move for the third time in approximately two years. Her younger brother has been my best friend since we were about seven, so I was basically helping a member of the family. Imagine my surprise when, upon returning to work from my lunch hour, I found a thank you card with a $100 gift card to Best Buy in it. I bought the Xbox 360 version of Guitar Hero III, the Kiss faceplate for the guitar, and the rechargeable battery pack. Here's my snazzy new guitar...
Then, I went across the street to Circuit City to see what they had. I didn't find anything special game-wise, but I did find these:
They're adhesive foam rubber pads to put over your Rock Band drums. They deaden that annoying "pop" sound and improve stick rebound. They seem to work quite well, but I'm a little worried about what kind of glue-y mess they'll leave if they fall off. If you're interested, I paid about $20 for them.