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Wwwhhhaaattt aaa...ripoff?

So, there I am, happily stomping my way through the first tier of the Legend Killer mode in WWE Legends of WrestleMania and having a great time. I get finished with the first tier with my knock-off Razor Ramon and bask in the unbelievably satisfying "boop"s that signify the three achievements I unlocked. I decide to check the remaining tiers to see what their unlock requirements are. They're all fairly straightforward...until I come to the last tier. It's requirement: Import SvR 2009 roster.


I hate this for a couple reasons. First (and perhaps most importantly), it requires me to buy, rent, or borrow Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 to complete the game. This is the first time I've ever heard of a case where you have to obtain "Game B" to finish "Game A". I don't really want to buy SvR 2009 right away, but it looks like I'm going to have to if I want to finish Legends. Renting is out for so many reasons (mainly the fact that buy the time I return a rental, my late fee would have bought it and I don't rent enough to justify a GameFly account) and I don't know anyone who has it to borrow (plus it's pretty hypocritical to borrow a game when I won't lend any of mine out...).

My other problem is that I don't want the WWE's current roster in my old-school game. I see absolutely no reason to slap Batista or Edge or John Cena into WrestleMania III. I bought this game to play as the guys I grew up watching. I fail to see any logic in forcing someone to import SvR 2009's roster into the game other than to try to sell more units of SvR. This is definitely one of the dumber things I've seen in any game. The only way I'll be happy with this is if I get to take my imitation Razor Ramon and beat the crap out of the new guys.

That said, Legends of WrestleMania is an interesting premise and a ton of fun. The second I turn it on, I'm instantly a kid again, sitting cross-legged on the floor yelling my brains out for Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior and trying to figure out how Bret "The Hitman" Hart is going to get the Sharpshooter on Yokozuna. It's probably a rental for most people and hardcore wrestling game players will most likely hate it. But for people who grew up with Hogan, The Barber, Superfly, JYD, and the rest of the gang, it's really almost a return to innocence.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but tell me Michael P.S. Hayes' Fabulous Freebirds entrance music doesn't sound like it should be on a .38 Special Greatest Hits album... ;)