jonathant5's comments

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Edited By jonathant5

I dont see why he was comparing the PS Vita to the Smartphone platforms as if you could either get one or the other. At the end of the day, the Vita and the 3DS are both dedicated gaming platforms, the other functions of these handhelds is not the purpose of these platforms. Granted, it would be nice to have a good web browser, or multi tasking on both of these things, but those are very very secondary functions. One thing I will agree with him though (if what he says is true) is the UI. A UI has to be easy to use, intuitive, fast, and essentially something that anyone can use. It should also look good, and frankly, the Vita circle UI looks ugly imo. I dont see why they did not keep the same UI as the one on the PSP and the PS3, that UI still looks great and is pretty easy to use.