why is everyone say milo and natal is garbage and stuf i mean come wake up and i have a feeling ur actualy in a game i mean like cod4 example great game and it would be even better with project natal u can make hand signals and then in the game they would do it its like ur adult dream say u wonna go to the army when u play natal u dont need to go cause u got ur expierence in ur living room or watever why dont u just think of the posibble ideas for natal like say er u wonna make a doctor and theres a game called doctor and u can controller the ur doctor where ever u look he looks ur in his brain and u can say like u use ur arm for pinching a needle into his arms that that is getting the expierence u can get :oops:;):question:
jonik4's forum posts
what so scary about milo if u got problem u got some ther for u and stuff ur wussy its not like his gonna get out tv in to real life world and start beating u up u idiot i hope the natal is like 150 at least somewhere around that price i cant wait for it to come out aand one of my friends get it i can come round his her house and play :P
ive been thinking about the project natal lately and i was wondering how many games can they make for it before it busts
its easy u just pretend to run just leg put ur legs up and put them down again and it will work its really hard to explame but fps could work
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