my problem started last friday when my laptop froze i had to hold down the power button and restart it Steam had been running fine till then after it reloded steam then went completly crazy saying i could not play any games offline my list had less games in it and said i had portal first slice which i have never downloaded before but the icons,files and saves were still there all of them but a modded one said *Pre load complete*when i clicked on the games i wanted to play it cam e up with an error message *This game can't be played offline yet* I am a A level student at a boarding school so i cant get internet on my laptop til the 19th . I am hoping that it will fix itself when i log onto the internet but i was wondering if anyone has come across this stupid error and if it could be fixed offline *List of games i currently own on steam 8 TES 4 Oblivion gofty Garry's mod fallout NV retail The orange box *half life 2 & episode's 1,2 *portal *team fotress 2 *bio shock 2 *Half life & opposing force ,Blue shift counter strike source sid meirs civilization 5 starwars empire at war killing floor just cause 2 day of deafeat source
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