I dont understand how ppl can say Heavy Rain is better than ME2. ME2 GOTY
jonnyp90's forum posts
I take it you're not the type who enjoys videogames for what they are: entertainment and art.
if i want a touching experiance i'll watch a movie
how narrowminded. and one of the reasons gaming is being held back.am i the only one that didnt feel attached to any character? By the end of the game i didnt care who lived or died. I think it would have been better to playthough the game with one character rather than switching between four. I expected Heavy Rain to be better than what it was.
Killzone 2, this game is horrible. It just felt so bland there was nothing in this game that made it stand out to me(besides the graphics) or excited me. I sold it as soon i beat it. But the online was desent i would have liked it better if the controls werent so bad.
I beat the first one but not the second, am i missing anything if i dont finish the second game and just go straight to the third?
Mass effect 2 and uncharted 2 both did. I just finished Heavy Rain last night and i was not impressed. Even though Heavy Rain had a good story to work with i never felt attached to any character like i did in Mass Effect 2. Maybe my expectation were to high going into Heavy Rain but i probably would have enjoyed it more if it was a 2 hour movie instead of a 8 hour game.
I have to agree with the TC im playing it right now and so far im underwhelmed. My friends talked this game up so much that i expected to be blown away by now. I just finished making lauren some eggs(how exciting), hopefully it does pick up at the end. i still have high hopes for the ending.
i bet bungie puts the multiplayer on another disc like in odst to get the most space possible for the campaign. the only reason they did that on odst is to see if the gamers would mind. it was just a simple test for REACH
mass effect 2 or halo reach for goty
sonys e3 will consist of
30 minutes talking about ps2 sales
30 minutes talking about how nobody has crack the full potential of the ps3
if its not perfect then what would you change
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