jonwilles Blog
Single Player vs. Multiplayer: A continued crisis
by jonwilles on Comments
Call of Duty 4. By all means it's a respectable title. The graphics are incredibly efficient, level design unbelievable, and game play mechanics are as impressive as we've seen. However, did anyone notice that it was over in a heart beat? Portal, Halflife 2Episode 2, Heavenly Sword, Mark of Chaos, Gears of War, and Bioshock, all of these titles have awesome production values, and yet are WICKED short. It's easy to point out that as graphics get better it takes more time to build a level, however there needs to be balance in this regard. I have a really hard time justifying buying a game for $50 bucks that I know is only going to last me 6-12 hours (including down time) on the hardest difficulty. The automatic response that people give to this complaint is: "look at the multiplayer content.. that should last you much longer than any single player game will..." Very true, I have logged in countless hours on Team Fortress 2, far more game time than a single player game could offer, but it still poses a serious problem to the continued production of solidsingle player games.
A major complaint that I have with excellent multiplayer content being used to replace length in a single player campaign comes from realizing that you can't get the same game experience in multiplayer that you can in a single player game. Everyone remembers what it felt like to liberate City 17 from the combine! Who can forget what it's like to storm the cliffs of Normandy as tightly scriped machine gun fire blew your squad mates away? Or when a certain pro-freedom man got his head beat in with a golf club, or even when the tiberium bomb nuked a whole continent? These sort of moments are why I like video games. The immense spectacle of it, the imagination and tension that those moments require suck me in and trap me like a Tom Cruise in Scientology. Granted that mulitplayer has some really fun moments, but none of them have that same momentus feel as a well done single player instance.Please don't misunderstand me,the new shorter games have plenty of these moments, its just that there aren't enough of them when the campaign gets too short. CoD 4 has some really memorable moments, but I kind of felt like they were as frequent in CoD 2, its just that CoD 2 had more time to build them up and show them off, and because there was more game time there were inevitably more of those breath taking moments.
AnotherissueI have with general accpetance of shorter single player campaigns starts innocently enough.A gamewith ashort but juicy single player campaign and a healthy multiplayer component is released and the public eats it up. Publishers then logically conclude that there are many people out there who didn't play the multiplayer aspects said release and STILL paid fifty bucks for it. Next step... release a six hour single player game that has EXTREMELY high production value without any multiplayer aspects, i.e. Heavenly sword. Sadly the next obvious step is release a six hour game with limited/no multiplayer and average production values and still charge 50 bucks for it. The other side of that coin is when publishers release a game that is PURELY multiplayer that isn't developed as well and still charge 50 bucks for it. If we keep buying it, then long gone will be the days of 40-80 hour RPG campaigns, 20 hour fps' that included solid multiplayer, and well scripted moments in our favorite games.
I'm Having a boy
by jonwilles on Comments
3rd Place...
by jonwilles on Comments
Hey Gamespot, we got third place, could we get an emblem for it?
Thank you Team who ever it was that beat us.
by jonwilles on Comments
GS TF2 Tourney Last night
by jonwilles on Comments
Thank you gamespot for an excellent experience! Thank you team 27 for a thrilling match last night. This is my first experience with gaming tournaments. I've been playing games for so long but I never thought to compete. I'm pumped for the game tonight and I hope that we have a really great showing. Thanks for the team and plz join the team group on steam if you need another invite PM and i'll send you one
TF 2 Tourney...
by jonwilles on Comments
Guy on the team that haven't contacted Poost or myself yet PLEEEEEEEEEEZZZZEEE, get on steam and look me... Farts McGee up and we can go over team stuff and make sure that we have a full team. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get in touch with us so we can get a whole team practice up. Again im Farts McGee on steam and jonwilles on xfire. We still need to hear from deadface001, SNFU, and the entire wait list. You can usually find me on the AOD server if im playing.
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