One really good Pokémon game, and they will sell as many as they can make.
JoPython's forum posts
Farpoint, Resident Evil 7, Super Hot, Raw Data, Rec Room, Doom VFR.... have fun
If it helps you, I’m 56 and play the Switch everyday. Yes, my own Switch.
Mario Odyssey and a bunch of Oculus Rift games
He shows his shlong a lot in movies, that’s a big plus
The amount of mis-information on this thread is horrible.
Yes you can use glasses and it’s very comfortable
The move controls work amazing well in VR.
You can place the camera anywhere you want, the PS4 doesn’t even have to be hooked up to the TV to use the PSVR.
No there is not a mini-PC box that goes between the PSVR and the tv, it’s simply a interface box that allows video processing to the television.
The games are fun and the VR experience is fantastic and is very much on par to every other VR headset out there.
I have a Oculus Rift and a strong PC and I can tell you PSVR holds its own in many respects.
I would recommend however that you use a PS4 Pro for the better experience.
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