or at least made them compatible...is it too difcul to do that??.... but anyways i still want them like remade....I remembered hat when I was plating warrior within and saw the cinematic cutcenes .. i thought .. like wouldnt it be great that the whole game looks like this... well i still want that and i think its now posible... maybe not like the cutsene but at least close..... not cellshaded crap
I would love to have like a collection of the sands of time trilogy .. which were were my favorite games... because the new prince dont looks like the last ones.... fighting one guy at a time .. no thanks... I want the original trilogy back.... a remake!
i like gta 5 with niko but now he is traveling the world ... 3 new cities like in san andreas but this time .... kenya ( with animals and that stuff) london ....and mexico... and planes and jetpack .. but with niko
my controlers doesnt even point and i already tryed re-sync but it wont work when i press and buttom it only flashes blue like when you sync them but then off again.... if it is not the sensor bar what is it because i cant even play with this flaw :(
i was playing ssbb yesterday but i decided to play resident evil 4 when i put the game told me to connect the nunchuk but it was allready pluged in i looked at my wii mote and it was off i went for new bateries but it only flashees like the blue light.... i reset my wii but when i pres A again it only flshes...... so i think is the sensor bar.. because if the controler flshes it means it working.. right... or is my controler no sending the signal to my wii... i dont know but i only have one control, so i cant test if is the control but is very strange because it happen while playing
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