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josecuellar Blog

My thoughts on Kingdom hearts Re:coded

I waznt planning to ever get this game at all, but I played BBS and now I want to see every game they make that hints at sora eventually saving terra ventus and aqua in kingdom hearts 3, 358/2 days even though Xigbars comment aboutalways having "that smug little face" is the only tie to BBS, and now that I know That RE:coded actually has to do with BBS alot, I will definatley be getting Kingdom hearts RE:coded.

SOULCALIBUR: BROKEN DESTINY( basically this is review but with opinions added)

Soul calibur broken destiny is a pretty fun game, the moment I heard about it I wanted to buy it(considering The only one I've played was the one called soulBlade). Now, I'm more of the kind of gamer who likes a good story, so at first I was dissapointed with what I had just bought, BUT at the same time I was extremely impressed with how far soulBlade has come. though their area few things that should not have changed, like the feel you get from playing soulcalibur is nowhere near as good as the feeling you get from playing soulblade, Why is the feeling differnet? I think it's because of the lame intros to the soulcaliur series, the scenes are awesome, but it would be more cool to hear an epic song either sung in english or japanese, like soulblade the theme song sounded epic becausetheir was singing in it.

Now about the content, basically this is what you get when you purchase "SOULCALIBUR: BROKEN DESTINY"

soul calibur is a pretty fun game First their are Hints that you can access as you manage to pull off certain specific moves, this will all be put in an option called "GAME MANUEL" where the unlocked hints will be stored for you to read over when you need to know how to do something again. (this actually comes in very handy when you forget how to do something, like perform a "STUN-RECOVERY")

Basically this is an option you would choose to just fight against the AI, and try to gain a title that you can use in versus mode( see "versus mode"), in witch case you're set title will appear for you're character.( when I played this I wanted to get a title that would make people who I played against tremble in fear of my massive skill, so I tried to beat the number one rank enemy in QUICK MATCH, I lost, so I ended up just trying to beat every single enemy in Quickmatch aside from the #1 rank one, and I did it, then I managed to finaly beat the #1 rank enemy, And achieve the EPIC title "WARRIOR KING OF 100 SWORDS"!)

The gauntlet is a game mode that has a slightly funny story to it, with childlike illustrations, The gauntlet is basically their to teach newcomers how to execute the various commands in the battle system. One must completley finish the first chapter to proceed to thenext chapter.( the gauntlet really helped me improve my skill in the game by teaching me how to perform the basics, as soon as I started following it's advice. though it gets extremely frustrating when it ussually always says FAILURE when I try.)

The trials are three different game modes they are the Trial of attack, Trial of defense, and endless trial.
In trial of attack just keep pulling of combos or don't stop attacking or just do what usually do in a fight.
in trial of defence do a bunch of blocking or just impacts for even more points.
For endless trial just try to beat as many opponents as possible. ( as my skill became greater this soon became the only challenge for me in the game.)

In versus mode you use ad-hoc to play against nearby people who have soulcalibur. (If only one of my friends had this game too so I could do this, and show them why I'm the"WARRIOR KING OF 100 SWORDS"!)

In creation mode you can create a character to add to the game. ( this is extremely fun to do, like I made Piccolo from dragon ball, Trunks from dragonball, Cloud strife, Vincent Valentine, andMagus and Glenn(FROG) from chrono trigger.)

In training mode you can set up you're own fights to practice learning you're characters skills, or learning you're opponents strengths and weaknesses.( I like watchingthe soul burst or soul break things in this)

Here you can take a look at you're wins and losses and see how many honors you've earned, as well as verus mode wins and losses.( I look at the honors I've achieved here, So far I have 43 out of 50 of them)

In options mode you can change stuff like the language, volume, or you can watch the credits, and install the install data. ( I like to hear them talk in japanese so I set it to japanese, with subtitles, and I like looking at the picture of my opponent when I fight so I chose not to install the data for mine, cause with install data it goes too fast to look at the picture before a fight.)


In conclusion I'd like to say this is a pretty good game for beginners to train for a much hoped and wished for SOULCALIBUR 5 for PSP.


So this morning, I was thinking of the all time greatest game villain contest, and i felt bad that i missed the all time greatest game hero contest when it was on, sooo.....I started thinking of heroes that i would have voted for, for the contest, and then Galuf (from final fantasy 5) came to mind, and then I remembered that Galuf was a game martyr. and then it hit me that it would really get fans excited if game spot made an "all time greatest game Martyr" contest( considering gamers tend to make characters that die in the story; after you've fought alongside them for a while their favorite or one of their favorite characters). So I just thought that an "all time greatest game martyr" contest would be pretty cool(i'd vote for Gilgamesh), what say you? do you want an "ALL TIME GREATEST GAME MARTYR" contest?