there is a group on facebook, something like 'ea to make bmx game' or something, but im not sure if this is the right way to go about it. everyone would love a bmx game to be like skate, with real companys (like s&m, fit, fly ect..) so you can customise your bike and character to look like a bmxer. i think instead of asking the bmx community to push game developers into making a game, we should really be approaching bmx brands. if we got top end brands like cult, fit, s&m ect.. to agree with us that there is a market for a bmx game, we would have more of a chance in getting one made, plus game deveopers wouldnt have to worry about finding content for the game, because im sure if bmx brands are asking them to make a game then they would be more than happy to let them use there names in the game. another reason why i think it hasnt been made is because the 'flick it' controls that are in skate would be hard to modify to fit to a bmx, would be alot more complex if you think about it. ive rode bmx for about 6 years now, so ive spent about 20% of my life on dave mirras 2 and never got bored! i dont know about you but i could do without the 'flick it' controls just to get past any complications, and just so i cant play it SOON AS POSSIBLE IVE WAITED TOO LONG!
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