A real Gamer? what does that even mean? the fact that he enjoys shitting on something other's enjoy simply because it's too complicated for him to understand?
I myself play on multiple devices but i don't come on here tooting my horn until others provoke a response when obviously the guy has no clue what he is talking about.
I love the fact that you had to type a small novel to make yourself feel better. Obviously the guy stated that to piss off the whinny console fanboys but jeez... you take the cake sir.
Everything in your convoluted post is why nobody will take you serious. Further more half of it doesn't make any sense.
Simple fact and you can feel free to dispute it if you wish. PC is where you want to play a game if you want quality graphics at a acceptable framerate
The fact that you brag about your HDMI cables goes to show you nothing as HDMI cables are all one and the same in the vast majority of cases.. Go buy that 100 dollar HDMI cable when the 5 dollar Wal-Mart bargain bin one will do the exact same thing.
You say your 28 years old your actions and words reflect the mentality of a 12 year old.
The argument isn't which games are available for what system. It's the simple fundamental fact that these so called next gen consoles have problems running the games at a steady framerate which at this point of the game shouldn't be happening. I bought The Witcher 3 for my PS4 as well.... i felt sorry for not using it more so i figured what the hell. Jesus was that a mistake. The up and down FPS was all over the place and got down into the low teen's when in any major city.
Now i have the game on my PC which i bought from GOG for all of 30 bucks and the game runs perfectly and i can actually enjoy the game as the devs intended. Not being hamstrung to run on a system simply because the publishers or higher ups in the company thought that it was a good idea.
So do the world a favor... quite talking out your ass. It stinks enough in here already.
When a 150 dollar card blows away anything these supposed Next Gen consoles can do for half the price.... that says something.
Anybody who has at least a computer that was bought in the last 4 years with at least a i3 processor can slap one of these cards in it and perform better than the new consoles ever thought of doing.
You call this Videocard overpriced.... I call the new consoles grossly overpriced.
Sad day when one of my favorite studios close when they were still pumping out solid games. Being a huge Star Wars fan pretty much from birth I hope at the very least Disney will lease out the license to a good developer to pump out some great Star Wars games.
Was hoping to one day see a new Force Unleashed game or a new jedi Knight.... oh well.
Simply put... no David Hayter then no MGS for me. As the most iconic voice in video game history, at least for me. Without him the series is nothing. I grew up playing MGS games and hearing his voice.
Lets all be honest. The MGS Series was never known for its outstanding gameplay. The story... how ever convoluted it was and the amazing performance put on by the voice actors is what kept many people coming back.
Im 27 years old and mainly a PC gamer and besides a few select console games like Uncharted and the MGS series and Heavy Rain. they were the only reason i kept a console in my house. They continue on this path there is no reason to keep my ps3 since i know another Uncharted is not coming out in this console cycle.
Eve is the only MMO on the Market Worth playing to me. Every other MMO is a cookie cutter copy cat with a different wrapper on it. I have tried pretty much every big MMO released since Ultima online.
In Eve Online isn't populated by a bunch of kids with nothing to do but cause havoc. It's probably the most mature MMO still online today.
I hope it goes on for another 10+ years. I be right there playing it.
Why all the Console hate? Specs look pretty decent for a console. yes many pc's out there will run games better but at least now we won't be held back as much with crappy ports that underutilized the majority of higher end GPU's.
How i love booting up a game for the first time and the only graphics settings you can set is the resolution.... wtf!! but anyway ill be sure to pick up a new xbox when they come out after a year or so. just to be sure they have got most of the bugs out of the system.
till then my new pc will more than suffice. i5 3570k and gtx 670 which i will be getting another 670 to go in my rig later this year to push how my current rigs life out as long as possible.
josh_b's comments