Actually, it was a person who invaded you to kill you. You couldn't have been gravelorded on your first new game runthrough. If they are glowing red, that means they are a invader and do whatever the cost is to kill them. Such as summoning another player for help, or just pushing him off a ledge. They invade to kill you and make you lose progress, as well as make you lose your souls and humanity.
joshuakyle94's forum posts
Falchion, sunlight blade or dark moon blade, haven't actually tried it, just seen ENB make a build for it. OR you could do Quelaag's fury sword with 10 humanity in your counter. Works just as good and can get multiple hits in 2handing on PvE.
Hey guys, looking for any fun unique builds! From dickwraith, DMB, or as a jolly co-op, need something to work on to tie me down until March 11! Feel free to comment!
Thanks :)
Praise the sun!
PSN: Keyblade_Of_Sora
Sorry if this isn't in the right place, I couldn't find a actual dark souls forum post to post on.
Anywho, I have been playing Dark Souls to bide my time until Dark Souls 2 comes out in March. However, I need something fun to do. Was possibly looking for any particular builds anybody had in mind that are different, and really fun. As a dickwraith, DMB, or just a jolly co-op phantom, I really am starting to get bored.
Thanks for the help.
Praise the sun!
PSN: Keyblade_Of_Sora
Metal Gear Sold HD Collection is a must have for any fans of the series. Especially with it coming with trophies. ^-^
I pre-ordered Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix 7 months before it came out, and I enjoyed it. It's not as much fun as it once was, thanks to Birth By Sleep, KH2; but the nostalgia is great, with some added keyblades, scenes, trophies, and monsters. Plus it comes with Chain of Memories which I adore as well.
Any Zelda HD remake I absolutely have to have. I really am waiting for a FF7, & FF9 HD remakes though.
By the way, not sure if you noticed, if you are a Soul Caliber fan, they DID remaster in HD Soul Caliber 2 on the playstation store..
Alright! Thanks guys. Sorry it took me two days to find out how to find the comments. I would scroll to the bottom and they wouldn't appear, I had to go through forums. I'm going to try to get a Wii U first, then grab the 3DS. If I don't have enough for the Wii U this weekend, then I'll nab the 3ds. :)
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