Of course, I've been playing those, uh, uh,... video games for days now.. years now. My memory is better now than it was.... what was I talking about?
joshyjess' forum posts
I used to keep my save games, thinking I'll come back someday and finish the game. The truth is, though, that if I ever do get back to that game again, I prefer just to start from the beginning. So now, I always delete everything. Trying to go back months or even years later and pick up where I left off just doesn't work for me. I'm no longer "into" the game like I was, and it's not a lot of fun trying to recapture the same sense of the game I had when I saved it. I'd rather start from the beginning and make new memories (and saves).
It's true that for most games you don't really notice that much of a difference, but there are some games that you do. I have a 4K TV, and an XBOX One S, and when I play Red Dead Redemption 2 (4K version), believe me, there is a huge difference.
Another one I'd say is "Borderlands Pre-Sequel"
Right now GamersGate has most of the Lego games on sale (some as low as 2.50 each), which can then be registered on Steam.
Just wondering what you guys think of the old text games like Zork or Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Have you ever played any of them? Would you still play one today?
I spent many a happy hour a long time ago typing my way through quite a few of those games (Infocom had some really great games). I still have quite a few of them on my PC, but to be honest, I haven't even tried playing one in a long time. I just don't think I have the patience for them anymore. I still have some great memories of them (like trying to get that babblefish into my ear in HHGtotheG), I'm not sure if I'll actually attempt to try one again, though.
Would you be willing to spend countless hours with nothing more than text, or do you think that genre has come and gone?
Civilization 4, it won an award for best musical score. Amazing theme song.
Another amazing song (although probably no one knows it) is Flight path 737 for the Commodore 64.
Do you remember what was the first video game that you ever played? I'm pretty old school (well pretty old as well), my first game was actually the original pong in 1972 - 73. I remember watching my parents hook it up to our old black and white TV, and was amazed at the idea of actually playing a game on the TV. Since then I've played countless games, but I can still remember like it was yesterday playing a video game for the first time (even if it was nothing more than batting a little ball back and forth).
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