I plan on buying it when it comes out but dont know if I should put in a pre-order or not. Do you think it will be difficult to get? And are they even taken pre-orders at gamestop and ebgames?
I'll probely get it then by all the positive feed bck, but It doesnt affect your console at all cause I read somewhere that his xbox started up slower with the hd add on. Also r u saying that there can only b one hi def dvd fomat in the future and one of themm will not b available anymore? That would suck if it happened to hd dvd!
I heard its delays your console start up by 10 seconds. I would just like to upgrade my dvds to hi def and this being the cheapest offer and having an xbox wit b a great oppurtunity, but is it worth it?
When i turn off my wii sometimes the greenlight stays on and does not turn red or orange and i then hafta to turn it backon then off again is this normal how do i fix this??
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