I thought the graphics looked pretty good and I think that was the ootage from 2005 so it should be even better than that, either way definetly buying it :)
nice question, Im more of a first person shooter gamer myself so Id say halo3 but that doesnt mean gta4 doesnt look cool I think both games are gonna be a big hit!
WOW thats way to hard to answer everybody is different just use something that means something or just sounds cool to you maybe try googling gamertag names that may help
Well it all depends on why you're buying the game, if you want it for the campaign get graw2 but its online multiplayer isnt that great, and vice versa for cod3, personally I enjoy the online more so Id get cod3
yes and no. If you get the one for the back it only cools the back if you get one for the bottom it only cools the bottom. I dont think you can attach both at once, so what i do is get a personal fan (its about 1'x1' ) and it works perfect
ya ive been hooked on gears like many and Ive been dreaming about chainsawing locusts with my friends its weird....maybe we can blame epic and microsoft lol :roll:
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