Well two years ago when my Boy Scout Troop was planning a Camping trip to a State Park for a week campout I forget where and what State park but, We got to the State park and were driving in and Unloading our Stuff from the trucks and Setting up the Camp Site.
At first we (myself and the other Troop Leaders) scooped the surrounding area to see if there was anything that we had to keep our Scouts away from for the Week. We unpacked all our Gear setup our Tents and Put our Personal Gear away in our tents and then Started with a Nice small hike (50 miles...yes I know its really not a small hike but still) through the woods to show our Scouts the wonders of Nature and how Peaceful and Tranquil the Forest is. We saw so many wonderful things like a Beaver family building there Home and even a eagle or two (I forget). After we got back to our Campsite it was getting near Dinner time so we started prepping our Meal and the Scouts started prepping there Patrol meals for dinner. We had 3 Patrols the Blazing Arrow Patrol who made a nice and easy Spaghetti and Meatballs, the Soaring Eagles who made a Turtle Burger (Hamburger with Lettuce, Tomato, Onions, Peppers with 5 hotdog ends on them to make it look like a Turtle) and the Viking Patrol our More Experienced Patrols made Chicken Parm Subs with Salad on the Side. The Leaders made some Turkey with Stuffing was very delicious. So after we all ate our dinners we Gathered the Patrols together and had them work on some of there Rank up requirements and during the time we thought we heard something in the woods watching us so we took a look around and found nothing.
After we did all that we had everyone prep for bed and so did we and then around idk say 2 or 3 am I heard a Scream coming from one of the Scouts and Looked outside to see a Black Bear around the kids tent and so I got up grabbed the First thing nearest me which was a Axe and went towards the bear as Quiet as I possibly could and scared the bear away. We learned in the next 30 minutes that the scouts that were in the tent where the bear was had Strawberry Poptarts (OPENED) and they didn't think the warning that we gave them before going to bed was true as we hung all the food in a Bag up in the trees to Prevent anything from getting at it.
I still can't believe how I was scared SHITLESS and thought that I was going to die while I approached the bear with the axe in my hand. But everything Turned out okay and the west of the week went off without many Complications.
2 years Later and the troop is down to 2 patrols or maybe 3 still (I don't know anymore) but they have all learned a Important lesson which was be Advised to the Warning given by the Leaders of the Troop