Happy Memorial Day to all you who celebrate it
Today I am going to talk about using Game Cheats
When I play a game I think about using game cheats but that makes me feel bad as soon as I do it and so I dont even use game cheats. Cheating in Games is to me very disgraceful. When you use cheats your making it so that there is no way you could lose at any time.
When Playing a Game if I used a cheat I would Delete the file and then start it from the beginning. To me using cheats it's like your throwing away your soul and just giving up which is not the right thing to do.
What is your opinion on cheating give me your thoughts on it I might add it to this blog for the rest of the Gamespot Community to see.
Vaivod: Well, when I was a child and I started to play Age Of Empires, I used some cheats. For food, gold, stone and wood, you know. The resources in there. But as soon as I started to become a serious gamer, I decided that using cheats was a really bad step. Just as you described it. And I prefer to repeat a level over and over again instead of using a cheat, even if I'm obsessed with a game and a level is bad-ass.
Mac_Rules640: I've used cheats a few times myself on games, but that was because I wanted to have some fun with the games since they made it easier, but usually I play games the honest way and beat them without cheats.
Nutcrackr: I think people get real enjoyment when using cheats in single player games. It lets them explore the world without fear of dying or being killed due to a balance issue. I rarely use cheats because in my view the game wasn't mean to be played with them and there is no challenge. I may use them briefly if the game is extremely hard or broken.
Gelugon_baat: In a well-designed game, there is no reason to use cheats (and if there is a reason, this game is not worth playing anyway). There is always the reload/restart button - which is a good enough "legal cheat" unto itself; I know this personally, because heck knows how much I use reload mechanics. For multiplayer, cheating just gets the player BANNED; one should get an edge in multiplayer simply by playing the game some more to gain experience. (Guides help too.)
DonatelloToAll: Using cheats for me is a very divided subject on my part.When I was younger I use to use cheats on games like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro The Dragon to get infinite lives,invulnerability,things that helped it make it impossible for me to lose and get frustrated,being a youngster.Now a days though,I find using cheats is cheap and actually makes the game a bore.I am very against it now that I'm a more older gamer.Cheats = No Fun
diabloNL11: The only game i ever cheated on was Oblivion and that was for pure fun, like being able to walk through the walls and then killing the guy that was supposed to kill the emperor, when i was done with that i started over again too play it for real. Cheats take away the real fun and thrill of conquering something that's hard. Especially on multiplayer, singleplayer isn't that bad. Because you're alone but cheating online is just a pure disgrace! You're just a coward if you cheat online. At least that's what i think. So overall i agree with you.