I understand your points, but if you are missing out on some of your favorite games because of steam, you're overreacting. Install it, play with it, see all of its perks and features. Play Civ 5 on it! If it's still not for you, its a quick uninstall away from being history. Like it or not though, this is the future of PC gaming, and compared to all other DD services out there Steam is, in my opinion, the best of the bunch. And this is coming from an old gamer with a closet full of game boxes and will still choose the hard copy over data on my HDD. TheCrazed420
I do regret not getting to play Civ. 5 and the new installments of the Total War series.I am also afraid your are right about Steam and similar services being the future of gaming. It is probablyenivitable, but I won't make it any more likely than italready isby giving Steam another account, even justfor the purposes of trying it out, or reward the behavior of the publishers by buying their games they have linked to Steam. I never thought I would pine for the days when we had to look to a specific page in the manual everytime you loaded a game asDRM.
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