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jpkeatings Blog

waiting, just waiting...

well its thursday now and that means theres only about 5 days till the release of GTA 4. Tbh the **** waiting is killing me atm. I read some where theres already one guy that has already completed the game pure the main missions under the gaze of rockstar PR people. If i remember right the article mentions it took him just about 25 hours to do. Personally I thought this was kind of short till i read on that it was purely main missions and no side jobs. while i've been waiting tho ive played and compeleted No More Heros for the Wii which is just crazy when it comes to cut scenes and dialogue, just one of those games you can tell it was made in japan with its humour and just general sort of confusion of the story line. Also got that Rainbow six vagas 2 which so far seems really good. In saying that when you have played COD 4 online for a few hours before playing it I found trial and error tends to happen as im abit gunho! As bordom is fueling this entry i best end it here and now before i start going into writing down what i had for breakfast and wasting more time on an entry which is unlikely to be read by anyone by myself in the future!

EA seriously wtf are you playing at?!?!

This being my first blog its probably going to be sketchy and otherwise me making up and or misspelling words! But hey what can you do? Nothing just read through this blog or leave i dont care tbh.... lol just kidding, but take in mind im not the most gifted writer!

So subject at hand? EA. why? well they seem to just like kicking up a **** storm left and right dont they eh? personally when it came to the taking over of take two i was how i would say not too concerned about teh sitution. My hope was to just hopefully see the same developers in each other section like rockstar stay in tack and still make the same great games we know and love. So long as the game is solid and keeps me occupied im happy who ever the hell gets the profits for making the dam thing so long as its a good game right?

Well i come on today reading the news section of gamespot(as you do) and i see a rockband related date and price article for the european release. I personally got really excited about this as i loved guitar hero and could not wait to see what the next installment of hard rocking rhythm gaming the developers had to offer. so i look through the article and see the release is for may. I just out of the seat, hand throw to the air screaming in joy as I last read it was due out in Q3. So i revert back to calm and proceed to the price information. I read information about how dollars converting into pounds and i see a nice 80-90 pound price tag that revert to how an american price would turn to our price. Then suddenly my eyes drop down and i feel almost violated!(in a Metaphorical. No ass grabbing here! not yet at least...) so why am i being violated, well i see the planned price tag for the game on its european release. Its planned to be £129.99 or €169 with a full instrument set. I know well enough thats not too bad at all really but then it goes on to say the game will NOT be included in this set. Wait one **** minute here! Your telling me that we have to fork out £129.99 for a set with no **** game! are you **** joking me or did some **** in a board room bend you over so hard to make you accept this pricing scheme? So I read on and I see the game itself will sell for £49.99 or €69.99 by itself. That would be a fair enough price for a game as it usually sells around that price , BUT WTFing HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!!!!!!!!!

Who the hell has the money to pull out over £160 for one game?!?!? Thats just **** retarded I mean really i dont see any bit of sense in this. Are EA that **** stupid and profit driven that they need to royally rape the consumer's wallet for one dam game?!?!? its a great game im sure, but jesus christ this price tag has extortionist written all over it. They really need to get their **** act together and think that well i dono but that GAMERS ARE NOT **** RETARDED AND WILL NOT PAY A STUPID **** PRICE LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!! why could they not have bundled the game with the full set? Do they really think european gamers needed treated differently compared to our american counterparts?

This then brings into question, why do harmonix have their thumbs up their arses too? Can they not see the this pricing is stupid crazy or is it to the point that they are merely little **** just there to pump out new releases for EA without any cock and balls?

Something tells me this pricing is going to screw over EA on its release sales. Well thats the hope, atleast then the sales figures will kick the executives up the arse and make them actually realise that theres no way in hell we will be paying out that much for one game and lower the price as well as release a bundle with full equipment and game!