I Would Take The Da Vinci Code, So I Could Burn The Da Vinci Code.
by jrclem on Comments
It's time once again for the always entertaining Pick 5... post, with this edition's topic being: The Only Five You Could Take With You. And if you can't figure out where the subject line for this post comes from, you really should be watching more of The Office. Now, I don't want to imply that I am lumping myself in with the likes of John Carmack. Because I fully admit that I am in that 96% of the population that can only marvel at his genius. But I completely agree with him that if I were forever tragically marooned on a deserted island (yet strangely, supplied with electricity), I would much rather have a laptop, a compiler, and access to the Interweb than a stack of games. But that's not the way you play Pick 5..., so I'll stick to the topic. 1. Bionic Commando - If you're going to be playing a game for the rest of your natural life, it had better be one that never gets old. Bionic Commando is exactly that game for me. My brother and I used to see how far we could make it without firing a shot; only using the bionic arm to swing and stomp on guys' heads. Good times. 2. Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved - While a lot of games sort of have this emergent gameplay, as in Bionic Commando, where the player finds new ways to increase the challenge. Others are designed from the ground up to be incredibly fun, approachable, and enduring. Hopefully my island would have some sort of indigenous fauna, preferably monkeys, that I could teach to use the 360's controller well enough that we could try and beat each other's scores. 3. Rollercoaster Tycoon - Yeah, I'm partly to blame for this game being the number one best-seller for about 40 months, because I told everyone I knew that they needed to play it. But it really is a very deep game that could be played for years, and there's just something incredibly fun about designing theme park rides. Sure, there are plenty of other strategy games that I would miss being able to play. But I would imagine that Rollercoaster Tycoon would be just as much fun when I eventually went mad from sun exposure and started arguing with the coconuts. 4. Guild Wars - I haven't really given Guild Wars the amount of attention that it deserves. And with 10+ years of playing time, I think I could see everything that it has to offer. I'm tempted to put Diablo II: Lord of Destruction in this slot, but Guild Wars is a very similar game, and I've already played Diablo II to death. 5. Battlefield 2 - And finally, in probably the most contentious genre, the first-person shooter, it's a toss-up between UT, CounterStrike, and Battlefield. But I think that in the long run, Battlefield just has more to offer than the other two contenders. It would have been a lot easier for me to pick 5 books or 5 movies, but those are my 5 desert island games. How about yours?