jro2020 / Member

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Can't find a PS3? I just can't be bothered

So, I'm hanging out at Wal*Mart waiting for my wife to go to lunch, when I hear over the intercom hey we have one PS3 someone come buy it.  At this point I still had my extra ten percent off coupons and all I would have to do is write out a check, the checkbook being in my at work locker.  So, I think to myself, someone in electronics is going to snap that right up.  About five minutes later, another page, we have a PS3, oops I think to myself should have gone and got the check book and the coupons I could have scored a PS3 for 30% off.  Ohh well this time I'm sure someone is going to snatch it up.

Wrong again turns out 5 minutes later he pages again. Turns out it took at least 10 minutes to actually find someone that A. Wanted it. B: had the Money and C: cared enough to actually go and buy it.

I guess it turns out I just don't really give a flip about the PS3 or I would have one right now.  Then again as I said in the beginning, I am a handheld gamer.