So you know what really makes me angry? I work with a person that at least once a week says something deliberately hurtful to me. In truth all the people I work with joke around in an insulting manor on a regular basis, and I usually give as good as I get, except with this person who I try to give this utmost difference.
Now you see this person is temporarily (read for a few months) disabled, and as such gets so called "light" duty which because of their condition still takes them some time to finish.
I on the other hand am one of a number of people who is not only normally well but on the whole does a good enough job that I get extra work assigned to me when ever there is extra work to do; I like it this way, I like feeling productive, I am among other mental problems codependent and so to feel greatly wards off depressive episodes. This person who regularly insults me has an SO that also works there and is another one of the people who gets the extra work piled on them whenever anything goes wrong, so I would assume the person in question would understand the situation.
This week has had huge problems Thursday we were short one person who was sick, had one person who was injured, are short a person to start wirh, plus a large workload. The injured person did the work of the aforementioned long term disability insulter. I did the extra work generated from being down and extra person plus split the work load that we are normally short anyway. Oh and had I mentioned I got thunked by a car in the knee on the way into work, It hurt like all get out but still moved.
Friday the sick person was still out sick, we lost a person due to job change and my knee instead of just hurting was now hugely swollen and hard to move, the aforementioned did their work, I did mine, had a ten minute panic attack where I just sat there and tried desperately not to scream (of course none of my coworkers noticed since they were busy with their own work), plus the work of 1 of the people we were short, the aforementioned SO did the work of the other person luckily for us.
Saturday I could barely bend my knee because it was no longer swollen just very stiff, but we had the sick person back, so that gave us full coverage on all the aisles. Great Finally a chance to let my leg rest a little, so I took it slow I got my work done, with the help of the sick person, and I helped them back. There wasn't any extra work to do so I didn't feel bad about not getting done early just for the satisfaction of getting done early.
Sunday, now we are short two people, one because of their back injury mentioned earlier, and the other I just don't know why. After we have prepped our work load the manager assigns everyone but the person who had been sick and myself their work and then talking solely to use tells us to choose between ourselves. While my knee didn't really hurt anymore I was having other problems that were no ones business but mine and management's, I was trying to communicate this to our manager when the SO of the long-term disabled buts in, in a mostly friendly jovial manner, I try to ignore them and talk to the manager but then the insulter joins in and complains about how long it took me to finish my work the day before. I snapped, badly, at this person. So I get taken to the office talked to about it, yes I know I shouldn't have snapped and sworn at them. The manager tell me their will be a mutual apology and everything will be let go, me for lashing out at this person and from this person for insulting me and insisting in putting their concerns into other peoples business. So, they are brought in and I apologize... Now this is the whole point this is what really makes me angry, after I give my apology this person Insults me again and asks if that is all and if they can go. THE MANAGER SAYS YES. After telling me that I had a right to defend myself against what they said and it was only the manner in which I did it that was wrong the person who did the specifically wrong actions gets let off just like that. First all someone who is in the position of having their work load reduced is in no place to complain about some one else when they have to take it slow, and more importantly this person was going to get talked to according to management but was just let go. I thought maybe he just didn't want to talk to them in front of me and I would get an apology later, but no, instead I get told later I am getting "verbal coaching" and this person is complaining about someone else's job performance during lunch! I really hate being lied to by management.
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