jro2020 / Member

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off the wagon

I am a faliure. I bought No More Heros for the Wii. It was onsale, I saw it on Sunday for sale and it has been tormenting me ever since.

It all started out on the way to work, there was one of those life is short we are all gonna die songs on the radio. I mean they are supposed to be all happy and full of hope, but the truth is I am quite necrophobic and sometimes these songs, being alone, tv shows, graveyards, or my own hyperactive mind will send me into a panic attack. So I got to work, couldn't find anyone to talk to, usually chatting with someone will manage to get me through an attack without anyone noticing.

It's like my brain is trying to rip my body apart so it can dissolve into nothingness. Well I threw myself into my work but I ended up outside in the freezing wind operating the forklift for an hour. That sent me back into churning turmoil that is my attack. When I finally got to break I found myself back in the electronics department. I was searching desperately to fill the void in the back of my head. And that is how I ended up with No More Heros for the Wii.

I am quite excited to play the game but haven't had a chance to yet. My wife worked an opposite shift from me today so I ended up being in town for 15 hours today. I did however get to put some time in on both Tales of Eternia, and Tales of The world: Radient Mythology.

Hung out with TheWesker for a while. You can find some strange stuff in stores if you know where to look. Ahhh well. Still fun to hang out with friend. Would put in a plural there but I really only have one friend, so it would be dishonest to put anything else.

In anycase still working on setting up a review for the Power grips for the DS Lite. Should get around to it soon. Ohh and I doubt i will every post anything that anyone cares about but I started a blog at http://blog.kistren.com. Just a bit of self indulgence, still in the test phase but I figured I own this webspace I might as well use it.