jro2020 / Member

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omg failure to update

this is nuts, I like doing blog posts.  They are fun.  But I can't pull myself away from my games and m'wife to make one! So far I'm about 25 hours into Elder Scrolls 4.  I got a few more hours of play in on marvel ultimate Alliance, and let me say it looks so much better in 480p Wide than 480i standard, the difference is night and day.  On the portable front I've put about 7 hours into Dragon Quest Heros: Rocket Slime, thanks to my R4 I was having so much fun I thought I would buy it, but then I realised that after 7 hours I'm 70% done.   It is fun and all but I don't spend 35 dollars on a 10 hour game.  On the retro front I played about 4 hours of Gemfire (m'dads game, on m'snes)  It is a turn based strategy/war/empirebuiilding game from 1992 that was released on the NES, SNES and Genesis, I have  very fond memories of it from my childhood, and it is jus' as fun now as ever, even the tinny music is excellent.  I have material for a video blog but my conversion proggy is taking forever.  I hope to get sonme gemfire game footage cause it really is excellent.