Like most people who bought a PSP you probably have a mega or giga pack, and unlike those lucky? people who got a value pack at launch you got no cool Earphones w/ Remote in your box.
If you are like me the $25 price tag seems a bit extreme, now I got a pair for Christmas from a friend so I lucked out. The rest of you might want to check out the Intec Earphonds With Remote for the PSP, which I found at Shopko, list price $12. Since they were and extra 20% off the day I found them I thought you all might like a review. So here goes:
White Sony on top, Black and Silver Intec on the Bottom.
Price: Sony $25, Intec @ Shopko $12. Sony 0 Intec 1
Ease of Use: Sony's buttons cannot be sepperated by touch, Intec has seperate raised buttons Easy to push. Sony 0 Intec 2
Included Earphones sound quality: Intec Reproduces a wider range of pitches but is a bit tinny. Sony is crystal clear but lacks deep bass, and the highest Highes. Draw Sony 0 Intec 2
Length of cord: Both are the same length within an inch of each other, but because Intec Uses a Y design in thier headphones, splitting in the middle, and Sony uses an L design Splitting at the left Ear Sony has a longer effective length. Also Intec has no markings for left or right ear. Sony1.5 Intec 2
Pass through: Both remotes are compatible with any Ear/Headphones, so it is important that they be distortion free. The Sony remote is completely without distortion, once or twice using the Intec I heard static but have not been able to reproduce it on command : Sony 2 Intec 2
Clip: There is no way around it the Clip on the Intec Remote simply holds tighter and more securely than the clip on the Sony remote, thus keeping the cord from swinging and making the remote easier to find and control. Sony 2 Intec 3
Extras: Sony gives you no extras, where as Intec comes with a detachable clip that hooks your earphones to the spot on your psp meant for a wrist strap. It's not a lot but it keeps the two items together. Sony 2 Intec 4
Compatability with PSP Armor: Both the Sony and Intec make it hard to close case armor around your PSP due to the extra large plugs. The problem is worse with Intec but there is not enough difference for me to give Sony a point. Sony 2 Intec 4
Style: Sony's has this white with a circular control pad thing going on. Read that as people will think you are using an Ipod unless you show them the PSP. Which is cool but just doens't match the style of the PSP. Intec on the other hand has a black on silver number that matches the PSP style. No points either way here since It is a matter of choice as to which is better. Sony 2 Intec 4
Closing thoughts: Sony makes a more comfortable set of equipment for must walking around and listening to music, but if you actually want to control it, which is why you buy something with a remote than the Intec set is a better cheaper choice.
And the Winner is:
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