I assume, as this is a gaming website that people on here are aware of the teeth gnashing that Sony and MS are doing at each other every time either one of them talks to the press.
For instance:
Sony says MS is lying about their sales figures (after their blatant load that all PS3s they ship have been sold and one one has any sitting around).
MS says they are disappointed that Sony released a year late because if they had release when MS did no one would buy a PS3 because everyone would know by now how inferior it is.
The mudslinging is so bad I'm nearly afraid to read about any new press conference or interview because I know it will turn into an all out trash-fest.
The part that kills me the most is to see how both companies handle the Big N, Bill himself has said they are the biggest threat to MS controlling the world (er I mean the video game industry); where as Sony either ignores their existence or insists that no one would ever buy a machine with such low Tech-specs, both of them really know how to turn me off buying their products.
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