jro2020 / Member

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ummm sorry

So, I really was going to try and post a new Vlog today but guess what. For some reason My camera is insisting at recording in 15 FPS. Read the words come out but the mouth doesn't match.

So instead I'll tell you about my recent gaming idiocy. In GOW Chains of Olympus I got stuck for about an hour inside the room with the horse and the pull out stairs. I really just could not find the exit. I looked on the side of the stairs, or atleast the right side. I looked on top I tried pulling the stairs out and running all around the room but seriously I could not find the exit! I had convinced my self that I had screwed up some where so I restarted from last checkpoint.

Low and behold nothing has changed I'm still in the stupid room. So I activate the handle so I can pull out the stairs and BOOM suddenly I realise I only tried one side of the stairs. I felt like such a tool waisting an entire hour in a game that most people beat in less than 6...

Ohh well As soon as I get my camera sorted out I will edit you a video that I am really hoping atleast someone will like and find useful.