Okay so, as regular readers already know, I live in Rhode Island which is right next to (an atually broke away from) Massachusetts. You may have heard of Massachusetts, the "evil", "cheating" Patriots are from MA, as are the lovable losers who finally won so now everyone hates them too Red Sox. Massachusetts, you may also have heard, is also the latest in a string of states to be seduced by Jack Thompson and his game hating legislation.
Someone please tell me why this keeps happening? Court after court has declared Thompson's legislation unconstitutional. Even if they hadn't, the idea that M rated videogames are on par with pornography is so ludicrous, most of the rest of the game hating community knows it's a joke. Now, I understand the desire to have some kind of consequence for selling M rated games to underage gamers and I know it's an election year so the politicians are doing anything to get noticed, but this bill raises the debate to the level of hyperbole, which doesn't work very well in the public sphere.
It's time for the politicians to give it a rest already and let parents (remember them, the people responsible for raising the children) gee, I dunno, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for what their children are exposed to. Given the economic crisis we are slowly slipping into, doesn't the government have anything better to spend it's time on than preventing little Timmy from playing Gears of War 2?